The Bert Willams Aboriginal Youth Services (BWAYS) and is a service of and managed by the Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Limited (VACSAL). BWAYS has been operatin since the late 1970’s and has been funded through various Victorian Government operated the service and in 1984 the operation of the service was transferred to VACSAL.
Some of these partnerships/programs are:
Lullas Children and Family Services
Bangerang Cultural Centre
Black Eagles Basketball Club
Cummeragunga Football and Netball Club
Goulburn Valley Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group
Footprints In Time
Greater Shepparton Suicide Prevention Network
Shepparton Local Aboriginal Network
We also assist with finding and applying for funding for groups and clubs who have a strong focus on Aboriginal participation. These funding grants have enabled many groups to participate in many events. For example:
Black Eagles Basketball Club to attend tournaments and participate in the local domestic basketball association
Bangerang Cultural Centre to hold a weekly Men’s Cultural and Well Being Group with a focus on family violence and Men’s Health
Cummeragunja Women’s Football Team to participate in the Inaugural Aboriginal Women’s AFL Carnival. This carnival was held in November 2017 and games played at the Richmond Football Club.
Cummeragunja Local Aboriginal Land Council: assisted in submitting funding and grants to upgrade the community hall and historic school building. These buildings are important to many Aboriginal people in Victoria especially those who have a cultural connection to the area. The school is currently being developed to include a garden where community members can use for reflection and remembrance particularly after sorry business.
Our goals for the community are to find funding for the following activities
Youth Resilience Camps
Aboriginal Women’s AFL Carnival
Womens and Mens Cultural Programs
Address: 31 Rowe Street, Shepparton VIC 3630
Contact Person: Nicole Atkinson