VACSAL has a Strong interest in Aboriginal Homelessness and associated issues of being homeless. We have long advocated for an Aboriginal Homeless Program and the increasing needs to develop innovative and community driven solutions. Receiving funding from DHS to provide a Outreach-Case Management Homelessness Service to the North/West Metropolitan Aboriginal Community.
Homelessness can be a difficult and distressing situation to handle, and has an Over-representation in the NWM Aboriginal community. Effecting Aboriginal Males, Females & families of all ages. Issues leading to Aboriginal Homeless aren’t easily identifiable, and sometime there could be numerous issues contributing a once.
The Program is aimed to help and assist all Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People who are Homeless or at the risk of Homelessness in North/West Metropolitan area through assertive outreach case management.
Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI’s)
Substance Abuse (Alcohol & Drugs)
Family Violence/Domestic
Grief, Loss & Trauma
Plus More...
The Program has 2 Outreach Support Workers, whom are dedicated to assisting and advocating to secure safe, affordable and secure accommodation for clients to help reduce Aboriginal Homelessness. For further information and to make a referral please contact
Vacsal Head Office
496 High Street Northcote
18yrs and over
Mon-Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 4pm
This event is held annually where clients can bring their children relax and enjoy a meal, join in events with their children. Each child receives a present from Santa donated by The Salvation Army Toy Bank and Mission Australia.
This event is held annually during Homeless person’s week it would not be possible without the support of Melbourne Polytechnic Preston hair and beauty students and the kind donation from The Salvation Army. This is our way to give back to our clients in the community.