The Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Limited (VACSAL) and RMIT have formed a partnership to deliver the Diploma of Community Services (Statutory and Forensic Child, Youth and Family Welfare) – CHC52015.
Get a nationally recognised, ACWA approved qualification for your child, youth, family and community work career.
The Diploma of Community Services reinforces Aboriginal culture and approaches to working with community and is based on work practices and programs at Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations. This program will recognise your current work practices and knowledge of working with children, youth, families and community. This program is an ACWA qualification and meets the DHHS child protection and family violence mandatory requirements.
We are expected to start in March 2018 once expressions of interest have been submitted.
Course delivery:
You will be expected to attend weekly workshops held on Tuesdays for 21 weeks. Student support will be held on a Thursday’s. You will need to be working in the sector to achieve the ACWA requirement of the 400 hour work placement. 260 hours will be in your current position and a further 140 hours in another role in your work place or organisation. The course is expected to finish in November. RMIT University will work together with your workplace to link your formal learning and professional practice.
496 High Street, Northcote Vic 3070 (VACSAL’s main office).
Parking and entrance off Dennis St.
You must be 18 years or older.
Working in the community services sector.
Prepared to complete the pre-training LLN requirements and meet the funding criteria.
Training delivery:
In this program, you’ll learn through a variety of approaches including group based discussion and work palace learning. Formal and informal assessment will be ongoing throughout the training to support your learning including:
• Group facilitated learning, yarning and specialist guest speakers
• Aboriginal Co-facilitator in every workshop
• Assessment activities during workshop
• Role play
• Online activities
• Workplace based assessments
• Weekly sessions of student learning support
Cost: This course is Skills First (VTG) funded. The cost to the student is $578.60 including amenities fees.
Please find attached an information flyer (including dates, times and place for info session held on the 27th February) [DOWNLOADABLE PDF] and expression of interest [DOWNLOADABLE FORM]
Find out more information by contacting:
Josh Wanganeen
Phone: 9416 4266 or Email:
Melinda Eason
Phone: 9416 4266 or 0416 027 794 or Email: