The foundation proudly funds tailored support services and education programs for Aboriginal communities throughout Victoria. This video includes interviews with foundation CEO Serge Sardo, VAHS CEO Jason King, Rumbalara Aboriginal Cooperative CEO Luke Brock and representatives from various services organisations.
Providing culturally relevant support services and community education is the key to making a difference in the lives of all Victorians.
The foundation funds the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service Cooperative Limited (VAHS) and Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Limited (VACSAL) to support Aboriginal communities affected by gambling through statewide gambling support and education programs.
To enhance and strengthen the services available to Aboriginal communities in regional Victoria, the foundation is partnering with three Aboriginal service organisations to pilot a one year program in three regional areas.
Mallee District Aboriginal Services in Loddon Mallee
Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative in Goulburn Valley
Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative in Gippsland
Each of these Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (VACCHO) currently offer counselling, health or wellbeing services, and have the infrastructure and capacity to deliver a local program.
These new agencies will focus on their regions with support from Gambler’s Help services who will continue to provide culturally appropriate support to all Victorian communities across the state.