

Our Staff

Melinda Eason

Melinda Eason is VACSAL’s RTO manager. Melinda was a trainer/assessor, course convenor and senior educator for the Indigenous unit with Swinburne University of Technology from 2006 to 2013 before joining us here at VACSAL.

Melinda has delivered a number of courses in Certificate IV and Diploma of Youth Work, Certificate III, IV and Diploma of Community Services Work, Certificate IV and Diploma of Community Development and Certificate I, II and III in Mumgu-dhal tyama-tiyt.

Melinda has worked in a number of teaching departments but specialised in the Indigenous programs working in partnership with a number of organisations. Melinda was runner up in the 2013 Victorian teacher of the year and won the Wurreker Teacher of the Year in 2014.

Melinda has a number of teaching and relevant vocational qualifications. She is also a qualified art therapist and is currently employed part time with VACCA.

Josh Wanganeen

Josh Wanganeen is VACSAL’s Aboriginal Cultural Awareness lead trainer and Certificate IV in Community Services course facilitator. Josh is a proud Yorta Yorta, Kokitha, Kauna, Narungga man and Father of 3. Josh completed a Diploma of Community Services Work in 2012 and is now completing a double degree in psychology and sociology. Josh was an intensive case worker and managed the Aboriginal Centre for Males for 2 years and completed his Certificate IV in TAE in 2015.

Josh was runner up in the 2013 Victorian Koori student of the year and won the Wurreker Teacher of the Year in 2016.

Leah Seeto

Leah Seeto is our administration support worker. Leah is currently completing her Certificate III in Business on a traineeship through E-focus. Leah has had other administration roles with VACSAL over the last 3 years.