Pre-accredited training programs are designed to provide quality learning experiences and access to pathways to further education or employment for learners. Learn Local providers are contracted by the Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board (a statutory body, established by the Victorian State Government) to deliver pre-accredited training programs and must adhere to the Board’s Pre-accredited Quality Framework. This ensures that all training programs funded by the ACFE Board are designed around a quality framework for content and pathway outcomes. Learn Local providers are among Victoria’s most valuable community assets, improving the lives and prospects of many Victorians, and playing a positive role in strengthening local economies and communities. The Learn Local sector is an essential part of Victoria’s post-compulsory education system. It plays four crucial roles in supporting learners to enter and succeed in further study and employment.
What pre-accredited courses are being offered?
Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training
Return to Study
Introduction to Community Services
Introduction to Community Development
Presentation and Public Speaking Skill
These non-accredited courses will provide a solid understanding of the Community Services sector and the skills and knowledge required to work in this industry. If you are interested in completing accredited training, VACSAL offers the following qualification. Certificate IV in Community Services (CHC42021). This qualification builds skills to work in the community services sector. The Certificate IV will provide a pathway for further study in Diploma in Community Services (CHC52021) – also on VACSAL’s scope of registration
Am I eligible?
This course is open to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and non–Aboriginal people.
You are an Australian citizen.
Holder of an Australian permanent visa.
New Zealand citizen Principle place of residence is Victoria
Not detained under the Mental Health Act 1986; or the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 or the Sentencing Act 1991 at the Thomas Embling Hospital.
Not detained (other than on weekend detention) under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 or the Sentencing Act 1991 or who is held on remand in the Malmsbury Juvenile Justice Centre or Parkville Youth Residential Centre.
You are an asylum seekers in specified visa categories, referred by Jobs Victoria Employment Network providers to pre-accredited pre-employment programs.
Not enrolled in school.
Face to face workshops
Varied time frames – depending on the course. See below for more details.
Course | Length |
Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training | 1 full day |
Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training | 4.5 hours per week over 6 weeks |
Return to Study | 4 hoursper week over 5 weeks |
Introduction to Community Development | 4 hours per week over 11 weeks |
Presentation and Public Speaking Skill | 5 hours per week over 5 weeks |
Fees are $50 per course.
Depending on the circumstances you may get all or some of your money back.
Courses with low enrolments may be cancelled or postponed. If the course is cancelled you will be given a full refund.
Student’s safety and security is a priority to us. All workshops are delivered during the day. More information will be provided as part of your induction and enrolment process.
Let us know what you think about VACSAL RTO/LL and its programs. You may be asked about your experience at VACSAL RTO/LL. Ask for a copy of our Complaints and Grievances Policy.
496 High Street, Northcote, VIC 3070
Phone 03 9416 4266