Welcome to the North Metropolitan (NM) Making Ground newsletter, informing you of highlights and events occurring across the NM region.
Firstly, on behalf of the NM Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC), I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the lands across which the NM region stretches, the Wurundjeri Tribe of the Kulin Nation.
In this edition of Making Ground you can read news from the North Metropolitan RAJAC, Heidelberg Magistrates Court, Koori Offender Support and Mentor Program, Local Justice Worker and here from the Executive Director of the newly created North West Metropolitan Area.
We had a busy time in the North Metropolitan region during 2014 with the;
• development of the North Metropolitan RAJAC Regional Justice Plan
• Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training in the region attended by Department of Justice staff
• support of local initiatives such as the Aboriginal Junior Football / Netball carnival, NAIDOC activities, Justice Information Days and Parkies event including the Billabong Golf Challenge and Fishing Charter)
• support for the Massive Murray Paddle which included two representatives from the North Metro region
• support for various partnerships and local initiatives to address issues within our region
The NM RAJAC are looking forward to exciting times in the northern suburbs in 2015 as we will continue to conduct Justice Information Days, Talking Justice Aboriginal Community Yarning Circles and the very popular Wills and Bills Days that are conducted in partnership with the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service.
Small activities will be supported by the NM RAJAC to engage community to assist us to implement the NM RAJAC Regional Justice Plan.
The NM RAJAC will continue to support the Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission by encouraging community members to “Report Racism”. We will also work closely with Victoria Police to further implement the Darebin Koori Family Violence Police Protocols.
Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you have a great festive season and hope that 2015 brings you lots of happiness and good fortune.
I hope you enjoy reading Making Ground and find the information provided useful.
Linda Bamblett
Chairperson, North Metropolitan RAJAC