

Board Member

Desmond Morgan

(Yorta Yorta)

Des is a Yorta Yorta man from the Murray/ Goulburn river area of Victoria/NSW. He has been an active member of the Aboriginal community since 1984, having served on various local and state organisations, Boards of Management Inc, Legal Service, Aborigines Advangement League, VACSAL, VAEAI. He also served a six year period referenda corp (Echuca) for several years and member of Yorta Yorta Nations Aboriginal Corporation. Des is the Regional Coordinator for AFDM for the Njernda Aboriginal corporation and is currently the Youth Worker for Baroonga Youth Health Service.

Keith Randall​

Yorta yorta / Barkinji

A Yaegl, Bundjalung and Gumbainggir man from North East NSW. Keith has lived in Victoria for over 20 years and has a big passion for youth, Aboriginal Education and Aboriginal Justice. Keith has been a member of The Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) for over 9 years and is currently a Board Member and Treasurer of VAEAI.

Ralph Bamblett
Vice Chairperson​


Ralph Bamblett is a Bangerang man who is currently the Koori Academy Liason Officer and has worked with DEECD as the Koorie Engagement Support Officer and Koorie Home School Liason Officer and has worked at VAEAI as the School Project Officer. Ralph has a Diploma in Frontline Manager and certificate IV in Education Support.​

Lowana Moore

Wamba Wamba

I have worked in Aboriginal education for over twenty years and am the Community Engagement and Operations Manager at the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated. I have seen great changes in education opportunities for Aboriginal people over my time, from early childhood through to training and university.

Aunty Esme Bamblett

Esme Bamblett

Bangerang, Taungurung and Wiradjuri

I am a Bangerang, Taungurung and Wiradjuri woman and as such I am connected to many families in Victoria and NSW. As well as my lived experience as an Aboriginal woman, I have been involved in Aboriginal Affairs for over 50 years in various capacities

Rachael Drewitt

Rachael Drewitt

Wiradjuri/Dja Dja Wurrung

Proud Wiradjuri/Dja Dja Wurrung Woman, Currently Executive Manager of Client and Community Care at ACES. Have worked for many years at ACES as well as 13 years at VAHS in various roles. Enjoy working and supporting our Elders as they are the keepers of our knowledge.

Robert Saunders

Desmond Morgan (Yorta Yorta) - Chairperson​

Des is a Yorta Yorta man from the Murray/ Goulburn river area of Victoria/NSW. He has been an active member of the Aboriginal community since 1984, having served on various local and state organisations, Boards of Management Inc, Legal Service, Aborigines Advangement League, VACSAL, VAEAI. He also served a six year period referenda corp (Echuca) for several years and member of Yorta Yorta Nations Aboriginal Corporation. Des is the Regional Coordinator for AFDM for the Njernda Aboriginal corporation and is currently the Youth Worker for Baroonga Youth Health Service.

Ralph Bamblett (Bangerang) - Vice Chairperson​

Ralph Bamblett is a Bangerang man who is currently the Koori Academy Liason Officer and has worked with DEECD as the Koorie Engagement Support Officer and Koorie Home School Liason Officer and has worked at VAEAI as the School Project Officer. Ralph has a Diploma in Frontline Manager and certificate IV in Education Support.​

Lowana Moore ​

Keith Randall​

A Yaegl, Bundjalung and Gumbainggir man from North East NSW. Keith has lived in Victoria for over 20 years and has a big passion for youth, Aboriginal Education and Aboriginal Justice. Keith has been a member of The Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) for over 9 years and is currently a Board Member and Treasurer of VAEAI.

Vera Briggs​

Aunty Vera Briggs is a proud Gunai Kurnai/Tauranguang woman who has devoted her career advocating and supporting Koorie people in Education & Training at the local, regional and State level. A life time member of VAEAI, Aunty Vera holds the position of VAEAI’s Secondary Schools Specialist Representative and is a passionate member of VAEAI’s Early Years Committee. With over four decades of experience, Aunty Vera is currently employed by VACCA in the Navigator Program supporting disengaged young people to re-engage with their education.

Aboriginal Justice Caucus (AJC) Secretariat​

Executive Officer: Ashlee Marston
Policy Officer: Ashlee Marston
Administration Officer:Molly Johnson

The AJC Secretariat provides administrative, logistical and policy support to the Aboriginal Justice Caucus (AJC) and its 20 members. The AJC is a conduit between the Aboriginal community and the justice system, they provide leadership, advocacy and drive continuous change to address the drivers of offending influence and negotiate system and programmatic reform to the criminal justice system.

The secretariat team also supports AJC members participation in the Aboriginal Justice Forums (AJF) to address justice related issues and influence the development of government policy, programs and investment. The AJC believes Aboriginal people can build stronger communities by advocating from a knowledge base that increases community awareness of social and justice issues and provides a voice, independent of government, that is grounded in self-determination and self-management.

The AJC secretariate in conjunction with the AJC members participate in external forums such as, Dhelk Dja Forum, Mana-na
maar-takoort Forum, Marrung Forum and numerous Collaborative Working Gorups (CWG) and sub-committees.

The AJC secretariate has also drafted a number of submissions and briefs while supporting the advocacy work that the AJC members undertake, some examples include:

• Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC)
• Aboriginal Youth justice
• Decriminalisation of Public Intoxication Reforms
• Raise the Age of Criminal Responsibility
• Aboriginal Youth Cautionoing Program
• Yoorrook Witness Hearings: Child Protection and Criminal Justice System