The Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd (VACSAL) is a state-wide agency that provides advice to Government on a range of community development issues as well as being a major provider of extensive services to the Aboriginal community in both the metropolitan and some regional communities these services include:
Bert Williams Koorie Youth program and residential support.
Early School Leavers and Youth Employment Program.
Aboriginal Best Start Project.
Homelessness Program.
Local Justice Worker Program.
Aboriginal Private Rental Assistance Program.
indigenous Men's Support Programs and more.
VACSAL has been instrumental in assisting the Victorian and Commonwealth Government develop policies and programs in major areas relating to the advancement of Aboriginal people. VACSAL supports and manages a number of community programs as well as providing strategic advice to Aboriginal Organisations and Government bodies on issues impacting on Aboriginal people. The organisations is seen as key advocate that has representation on over 85 local, regional and State reference/advisory committees.
VACSAL works from the following philosophical base in all of its advocacy work and service provision that of:
Community and Individual choices.
Self Determination and managing change.
Strengthening Identity.
Strengthening Culture.
Strengthening Families.
In addition, VACSAL is a community resource centre, delivering a range of government funded programs to support and assist children, young people and families as well as strengthening communities and culture.
As an Aboriginal community service organisation, we are committed to:
Advocating for the needs of individuals, families and communities.
The delivery of high quality services.
Creating an organisation that is open, welcoming and one which encourages participation by the Koorie community.
We consider that education and employment are the two central drivers for redressing inequality and disadvantage and we believe that Indigenous organisations have a crucial role to play in providing trainning and employment opportunities.
Our values are built on :
A respect for and acknowledgement of Aboriginal history and kinship networks.
Acommitment to influencing policy and service development.
Redressing inequality and disadvantage.
A commitment to ensuring that Aboriginal people have greater access to information, resources, services and decision
A commitment to self determination and self management for Indigenous communities.
VACSAL will empower the Victorian Aboriginal community to achieve social, political and economic equity, whilst maintaining and strengthening identity, culture, pride and social purpose.
VACSAL’s work involves representing and advocating for the Victorian Aboriginal community. In providing programs and services we are committed to:
Community and individual choice.
Self-determination and managing change.
Preserving and strengthening cultural identity.
Building strong individuals, families and communities.
Service innovation and responsiveness.